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Support Centre Team Member Spotlight: Adrienne Pavlik

Posted Aug 23rd, 2022 in 2022, spotlights, the wire

We are shining the spotlight on Adrienne Pavlik, Director of Operations at dentalcorp’s Support Centre. Adrienne tells us about her passion for solving problems for the Practices and an experience in her career that shaped who she is as a Leader.

Tell me about your background – how long have you been with dentalcorp, and what were you doing before you joined?

I just celebrated my six-year anniversary with dentalcorp. Prior to joining the organization, I was with Rexall Pharmacies as a Regional Director supporting Manitoba and Saskatchewan locations, and before that, I literally grew up working at a division of Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) for 25 years. I started part-time as a teen in ladieswear and continued with the organization as I pursued post-secondary education, and eventually rose through the ranks to become a District Manager supporting Manitoba and Saskatchewan stores.

Can you tell me a bit about your role? What does a typical day look like?

My role is as dynamic and ever-changing as a day is for those who work in our Practices. Situations come up every day that require us to think outside the box and problem solve in the moment. There are two types of typical days. Typical day #1 would be that I start each day with a plan of attack to best support both my team as well as those in the Support Centre. Sometimes, it is a flawless day with me happily checking items off my to-do list. Typical day #2 starts the same but very early on it is easy to see that those plans need to be set aside for a situation that has presented itself and needs time and attention. Both typical days provide me with a sense of accomplishment and achievement as helping my Practice teams or the Support Centre team is the definition of what I do.  

What makes you passionate about your role?

Solving problems for the Practices so they can focus on their patients. If I’m doing my job well, my team is focused on their patients while I focus on their challenges or troubles, solve them, and then return to them with the solution. When I am problem-solving, I am adding to my knowledge base and expanding on my ability to be a “Fixer” for my team.  

Share an experience in your career that's really left an impact.

My experience at HBC shaped who I am as a Leader. I was given the opportunity from a very young age to grow, learn and continually take strides forward in what I didn’t even realize at the time was becoming my career. Many years later, when I was offered the role of District Manager, I made the commitment that I would offer the same level of support, commitment, and leadership to the members of my team that I had received over the years. That foundation enabled me to take the steps that brought me to many opportunities in my life.  

What advice do you have for new team members joining dentalcorp's Support Centre?

The number one reason we are all here is to support the Practices as well as one another. Every request for support needs to stop with us, either we know the answer, or we can connect them with the person who does. We never want a Practice to have to figure it out on their own. We always take care of each other.

Share something that not very many people know about you.

For my 25th birthday just a couple of years ago (nudge nudge wink wink), I went skydiving. It remains one of my all-time best memories! 
